Austin's Background Info
What You Need to Know
I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your creativity. All of these elements brought me to start Austin Sullivan Art. I want you all to connect to the creativeness seen in my mind towards many forms of art, society, and change. This is why in 2021 I have decided to launch the website which will help my dreams become a reality.
Ever since I was young, art became a major passion of mine. Most importantly a time consumer. Making sure that I could take a step toward progress every time I picked up a pencil and paper. Many compliments were handed to me, which helped benefit my drive and motivation toward art.
As time went on, I continued to pursue art. Growing up in the town of Westerly, Rhode Island there was not much opportunity. Living in a small town, in the smallest state definitely had its limits. Although now in high school, there has now been a window opened for opportunities that I could not turn down. I am very thankful for those who have helped teach me everything I know, and the teachers that never lost hope. My family stuck with me along every journey of mine in pursuing my dreams. Thank you all, I love and appreciate you.
Within this journey, you will see new forms of art and the reconstruction of this website over time. There will be newly updated photography in the forms of portraits, landscapes, photojournalism, still life, travel, fine art, abstract, long-exposure and so much more.
Stick along with me throughout this journey, and remember, today is what you make of it, whilst tomorrow is what the future holds.